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The Governors support the school’s policy of all children wearing school uniform.  Just-Schoolwear/Academy School Uniforms supply our embroidered school uniform items.   These items can be purchased via the just-schoolwear website link at the top of this page.

We do appreciate that uniforms can be expensive and are therefore more than happy for parents to source school uniform, in the correct colours, from alternative providers such as supermarkets.


School hoodie, sweatshirt or cardigan - Royal Blue. These can have the school logo or can be plain.

Trousers – Grey or Black

Shorts – Grey or Black

Shirt – White or Grey

Polo T-Shirt – with Logo from Just-Schoolwear or Plain White

Socks – Grey or Black

Shoes – Sensible Black Shoes

School hoodie, sweatshirt or cardigan - Royal Blue. These can have the school logo or can be plain. 

Skirt, Pinafore Dress or Trousers – Grey or Black

Summer Dress - Blue or Yellow Gingham

Blouse – White or Grey

Polo T-Shirt – with Logo from Just-Schoolwear or Plain White

Socks – White or Grey

Tights – Black or Grey

Shoes – Sensible Black Shoes

A variety of additional uniform items are available to purchase from Just-Schoolwear, including a fleece, a jacket, beanie hat, sun hat etc.; however these are optional and not compulsory uniform items.  Please refer to the website above for full details.


To maximise learning time, children can wear their P.E clothes on the days hey have P.E in all year groups except Reception.  Please ensure P.E uniform is in the correct colour and that children have a spare pair of plimsolls for indoor activities.  Thank you.

A full PE kit is available to purchase from  The PE saver bundle includes an embroidered white t-shirt, black shorts, a hoodie, joggers and black plimsolls.  Parents can choose a minimum of 2 items from the PE saver bundle to qualify for discounted prices per item.   

Alternatively, your child can wear a plain white t-shirt and black shorts for indoor PE; and a plain dark coloured hoodie and joggers for outdoor PE.

Your child will require plimsolls for indoor PE, and trainers for outdoor PE.  


Indoor: Black shorts, white t-shirt and plimsolls.

Outdoor: Plain jogging bottoms and hoodie/jumper and trainers.  

Games As for PE.
Swimming Swimming costume/shorts, swimming hat and towel in a suitable watertight bag.


Please note that in the interest of safety, children are not permitted to wear jewellery in school, with the exception of one pair of small stud earrings and a watch. Children cannot take part in PE activities wearing any jewellery. If your child is unable to remove his /her ear studs, he/she should come to school without them on PE days. Any piercings should take place at the start of the summer holidays to avoid the need for missing any PE lessons.