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Mrs Jane Wright - Chair of Governors

Message from our Chair of Governors:

The entire team at Longmoor work very hard to ensure all pupils are able to thrive in a supportive environment, with an aim for each of them to reach their full potential.  I stood as Parent Governor as I wanted to help and support the team to achieve their aims.

As a Governing Body, we are dedicated to ensuring the pupils at Longmoor Primary School receive the best education possible.

Working alongside the teaching and support staff, we are committed to continually improve the teaching and learning experience of our children, and to ensure all pupils receive a broad, balanced, creative curriculum. 

Each term, Governors are required to attend full governing body meetings and also to participate in one of the sub committees that feed into the main governing body.  We currently have two committees that, between them, concentrate on the leadership and management of the school, achievement and standards, and the development and well being of our students. The Governing Body adopt, review and monitor a range of policies that govern the operation of the school including Health and Safety, Behaviour, Curriculum, Performance Management and Pay Policy.

Each governor also has a link to a class/es in school and meet with the class teacher to monitor progress, celebrate success and discuss curriculum. There is also a link to a curriculum area (e.g. literacy, numeracy) or school policy (e.g. assessment, child protection) so that governors are kept fully informed and these are reported back to the full governing body.

The Governing Body has seen Longmoor grow from strength to strength and is very proud of the achievements of the school and believe that along with the Headteacher, staff, pupils and parents we are working to ensure all children fulfil their potential and become lifelong learners.

Mrs Jane Wright - Chair of Governors


The school has 12 Governors and a Clerk to the Governing Body.

All governors have voting rights on the committees on which they sit.

Associate members do not have voting rights.

Appointment of Governors

Headteacher is appointed in the statutory conditions of employment.  

Staff Governor is elected by school staff.

Parent Governors are elected by school parents. 

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body.

Local Authority Governor is selected and appointed by the Local Authority.

Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Body.