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Here at Longmoor we want all children to attend school everyday.  We appreciate that children can pick up infections and illnesses: absences caused by these are unavoidable. However, we encourage all parents to ensure children are in school, unless for a medical reason, every day.  This is, primarily, to ensure all children maximise each learning opportunity, provide consistency and allow them to progress academically and socially.  Regular attendance  is also a lifelong skill - promoting a positive approach to hard work, commitment and resilience is essential to help our children create habits and attitudes that will help them in later life and when they move into the world of work.

We ask that parents make all non-essential doctor and dentist appointments outside of the school day.  We also require all parents to call school to report a child's absence - there is an answerphone where parents can leave a message.  Please do not DOJO staff as they are busy each morning and messages may not get reported to the office first thing.

If your child becomes unwell at school we will always contact you.  It is imperative therefore that you provide us with up to date contact numbers and ideally three different contacts in case of emergencies. 

We have a robust system of monitoring children's attendance and invite parents to attend meetings in order to offer support and create plans to ensure children are in school. If parents do not attend these meetings, and fail to ensure improvements are made in attendance data, school will seek advice regarding a penalty notice, supported by Derbyshire County Council. Penalty notices details are:

  • A Penalty Notice payable up to £120 fine per child.
  • Prosecution under s444 (1) Education Act 1996 where, if convicted, you may be fined up to £1000.
  • Prosecution under s444 (1a) Education Act 1996 where, if convicted, you may be fined up to £2500 and/or a community order or imprisonment.

This is a final and ultimate step and one which we actively want to avoid.  Therefore we strongly advise working with us by attending any meetings and ensuring your children are in school everyday. 

Useful guide to help you determine whether you should keep your child away from school. The guide shares symptoms, care guides and recommendations.

Guidance_on_infection_control_in schools_poster.pdf

Attendance Information - school policy, useful flow chart on attendance monitoring and information from DDC and the DfE.