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Year 3

Hello and welcome to the Year 3 page!

We can't wait for all the learning experiences, laughter and enjoyment that Year 3 will bring! We have so many exciting topics to look forward to, including learning about the Stone Age and Iron Age, Ancient Egypt and finding out how homes have changed over time. In Science, we will be learning about the human skeleton, rocks and soil, forces and plants. 

With lots of hard work, enthusiasm and kindness to one another, we know that we will have a wonderful and successful year together! 

Dates for your diary

w/b 16th September Commando Joe week

26th September European Languages Day

26th September Macmillan Coffee Morning

30th September to 18th October Padley Harvest Collection

 3rd October Poetry Day

4th October TTRS day

10th October Hello Yellow Day

25th October Last day of term


Please see below for links for home learning. Children can find their user names and passwords in their reading records. Please remember to listen to your child read every night. 

TT Rockstars -

Mathletics -