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At Longmoor, the children are taught Science as part of our challenge curriculum, through a range of topics which are designed to stimulate a love of learning and develop independent learning skills.  Book-based units of work are also linked into some topics.  This ensures that standards in writing are being improved by using exciting literature through science. The units ensure that there is a huge focus on working scientifically as well as dealing with the specific science knowledge for a particular year group.

The units help teachers to improve pupils' writing through science but still hold on to the statutory requirement for science and ensures that pupils' grammar, punctuation and vocabulary is being challenged. 

Through this curriculum, children are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and we encourage our children to apply knowledge and develop their thinking skills which are essential to becoming a successful independent learner.  Children engage in practical skills such as handling equipment, measuring and testing as well as social skills of presenting and co-operation. These learning experiences, help to develop the children’s ‘sticky knowledge’.

 Children are encouraged to look for patterns in data, solve problems and analyse through hands on investigations.  Ultimately, our children are encouraged to make links and connections in the four key areas of scientific study; enquiry, physical processes, life processes and materials and their properties whilst developing curiosity, concern and objectivity.